Frosty Winter Mornings en plein air
About a year ago I decided I was going to dive into watercolor painting en plein air. Well, I think I made it out of the house twice. I would call it a disorganized messy torturous of times.
Fast forward to January 1, 2025 and oh my how it all changed. A couple days prior a friend asked me to go on a hike and when you live in Boulder, Colorado, you can hike anywhere at anytime and it’s magical, so of course I said yes. A few hours before the hike she texted me and said to bring my paints and that we’d paint at the top. What? Someone else besides me has an interest in expressing creativity, not just extreme sports like high elevation hikes or long gravel rides? Yes, please!
I brought an extra paint kit and sketch book for the third person in our group and we hiked and then spent about an hour painting and sketching at the top of the trail. We talked about how to choose your subject when there is so much to choose from. We talked about how to mix pigments and brushes and values.
It was pure joy, at 30°F on a sunny, beautiful, first day of the new year. This was just perfect. Hiking feels good on the body and painting feels good on the soul.
I’m so excited for what’s to come this year. I think I’ll go out and do this again, today.